Friday, January 28, 2011

Accept The Mystery, Draw Like The Fool

A lot of people ask me, just how does the Tarot work, they say what's the theory behind it? My answer frankly is, I don't have a clue, but I do know that it works. The Tarot is a mystery, a great mystery in fact, but if you accept the mystery, WOW great things can happen. So much of life is a mystery though, for example how does your body maintain its 98.6 tempreture, how do we draw in fact, no one really knows, but if we accept the mystery, then magical things can happen. Mystery is powerful and being able to accept the mystery is just as powerful. Talking about accepting mystery the card that comes to mind in Voyager is the Fool Child. The fool is linked to mystery and spirit. The fool trusts that great mystery called spirit and as a result is a risk taker, no risk, no reward, little risk little reward, big risk big reward. So learn the lesson of the fool in life as well as drawing is, accept the mystery, trust the process and become a risk taker. 

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